Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cheating For America

He Said What?

"Newt Gingrich (R-GA) loves the country so much that it has caused him to stray from his marriages."

In a bizarre justification for adultery, former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, claimed that his passionate love for the United States caused him to do things that were not "appropriate."   How inappropriate you might ask or, more accurately, how low?

According to Gingrich's second wife, Marianne, the portly Speaker gave his first wife the terms of their divorce while she was recovering from surgery for uterine cancer in 1980.

It's difficult for this writer to grasp what type of low-life scum would announce divorce terms to a wife under these circumstances.    Who knows, maybe this is an example of that compassionate conservatism we've heard so much about in recent years.

It gets worse.

Over Mother's Day weekend in 1999 while he was supporting the impeachment of President Bill Clinton, and on the same day his second wife had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Gingrich informed her he had found someone else.  In fact, "Gingrich had reportedly been having an affair with Callista Bisek for six years."

Read that again and understand that while Gingrich was working to impeach the President of the United States for lying about having an affair, the round mound had been cheating on his wife for six years.

If Gingrich is correct in that his passionate love for country caused him to commit adultery then, as one person commented [see comments below the Ray Story article], "...clearly Bill Clinton is the most patriotic American alive. He cheated on his wife in the White House. Why, his love for this country obviously knows no bounds."

Can you imagine this man has the audacity to preach to the rest of us about family values?

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