Elspeth Reeve – Thu Feb 17, 9:46 am ET
WASHINGTON, DC – South Dakota has put on hold a bill that would redefine justifiable homicide to permit killing someone to prevent a fetus from being hurt--a bill many interpreted as legalizing violence against abortion providers. State House speaker Val Rausch said he hasn't decided whether the amend the bill or just spike it, The New York Times' A. G. Sulzberger reports. Gov. Dennis Daugaard's spokesman called the legislation "a very bad idea."
The bill permits killing "if committed by any person in the lawful defense of such person, or of his or her husband, wife, parent, child, master, mistress, or servant, or the unborn child of any such enumerated person." There was some dispute over whether the measure would actually legalize killing abortion doctors. Slate's Dave Weigel wrote that it would only allow killing abortion doctors if abortion was illegal. But Time's Amy Sullivan notes that "whether or not the bill actually would permit such acts hardly matters if anti-abortion activists think that it does."
Weigel adds that the outcry over the bill is all part of a classic Democratic strategy on abortion: "finding a controversial bit of legislation and making it toxic."
You have to be crazier than a bedbug to not believe legislation authorizing the murder of an abortion provider isn't toxic.
Of course, this is all part of the grand strategy of far right conservatives to prohibit all abortions with the ultimate goal of overturning Griswold v. Connecticut. Nothing scares the hell out of far right conservative men than a woman who has control of her own body and, just for the hell of it, enjoys wild, uninhibited, sweaty sex and, in the process, decreases her chances of getting pregnant. French conservatives went batshit crazy when the condom was introduced for the aforementioned reason. Misogyny has a long and ugly history originating with the asinine Fall of Man theory one finds in Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
What's more than interesting are the large numbers of conservative women who've adopted the misogynist views of far right anti-choice men.
Far-right conservative women inhabit a political ideology dominated, in part, by talk radio's conservative, misogynist pimps who profit from the use of fear, division, and hatred, in the form of racism, sexism, and religious bigotry, to advance a very narrow, selfish agenda.
Trapped in such an environment, they desperately seek a way to free themselves from the oppression imposed upon them by the white misogynist pimps who dominate their lives and thoughts to the point where they become a mouthpiece for the very hate radio pimps who work to oppress them.
Let's examine the far-right conservative women we see on right wing political talk shows, especially Faux News. Away from the camera, these women may be decent and caring. However, in front of the cameras, they attempt to portray themselves as independent but, with every word, they 'mouth' the fear, hatred, racism, sexism, and religious bigotry in the rote manner their misogynist masters demand because, although these men have told conservative women they care about their freedoms, they would turn on conservative women in a second if these women attempted to utter a thought independent of the irrational dogma preached by talk radio's white, conservative misogynists.
In an earlier time and place, another woman trapped in a conservative misogynist world and seeking to find some form of self-expression, gave away her body to the pimps of Rome. Sadly, some far-right conservative women give away something far more precious, their souls.
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